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 Aligning the employee experience with your organizational objectives through guided real estate decisions, working models, and workplace design.

There is no one-size-fits all solution for the ideal workspace; every business needs their space to be tailored to their unique needs. Workplace Strategy begins by addressing key questions to gain a deep understanding of employee experiences and long-term organizational real estate objectives.


Workplace Strategy refers to the process of aligning employee experience with organizational objectives. This involves choice real estate locations, working models, and data-driven design to align employee thinking and behaviors with the direction of the organization. It supports objectives such as efficiency, sustainability, culture change, or talent attraction, and is not just about creating engaging spaces.


Using evidence-based research, an examination of industry trends, and extensive leadership and employee surveys, an insightful data-driven workplace strategy is crafted. This deliverable serves as the roadmap in the subsequent design and build phases.​​

Your Guide to Maximizing Workplace Strategy


Creating a “Commute-Worthy” Workspace Experience for Top Legal Talent 

Law firms have had to reconsider and reevaluate their workplace strategies to attract and retain the industry's top talent. 


Building the Case for Workplace Strategy: Maximizing ROI

Presenting a roadmap to success by optimizing real estate expenditure and keeping leadership aligned.

Image by Rostyslav Savchyn.webp

Evolving Workplace Expectations: Are You Keeping Up?

There’s never been a better time to look at the emerging expectations of your workforce and make positive changes to meet them.

Our Insights


Lease of the Year: Inside Bridgewell Resources

Strategic planning with leadership and employees uncovered key relocation opportunities.

The new space in Lake Oswego, OR, reduced real estate expenditure, while initial workplace surveys guided data-driven design that kept organizational needs top of mind.

Image by ben o'bro

Your Path Forward

Schedule your complimentary 20-minute consultation today, and we’ll help bring your vision to life.

Beginning With the End
in Mind


Defining Your Needs

DESIGN+BUILD Workplace Strategy Findings Report 


Exploring Market Options

Real Estate Site Selection with Broker


Optimizing Your Chosen Sites

Program & Test Fit Deliverable, Budget & Timeline Upfront


Negotiating with Landlord

Securing the best commercial lease terms

Viewing Workspace as a Tool to Engage and Inspire.

Starting with a guided workplace strategy can help you gain a competitive edge – invest in a space that embraces change.

By planning for flexibility, your workplace can adapt to new technologies and evolving work patterns. Set your organization up for long-term success and plan for the future today.


Initiation + Planning

How do we plan for growth?

How will our physical location(s) drive company goals?

How often should our employees come into the office

How will location and workspace reinforce our culture and identity?

Project Definition

How much space do we need?


What should our office look and feel like?

How should we plan for our space with our current hybrid policy? What if that changes?

Besides space, what types of collaboration tools and services should we invest in? 

Site Selection

Where should we locate our office?

Is the location easily accessible for employees and clients?

Are there nearby amenities (e.g., restaurants, banks, childcare facilities)?

How does cost compare to other potential locations?

Next Steps...
Design + Construction

What should we keep and what should we change?

How do we prepare our employees for a change to their workplace?

What do those collaboration tools and services look like?

Questions to Answer

Defining client needs from the outset is crucial for ensuring clarity before committing to a space. A well-crafted Workplace Strategy not only answers these questions but also uncovers additional insights to guide your decisions.



Portland, OR | Denver, CO | Dallas, TX
Visualizing and defining company values of

flexibility, community, and connection to nature.

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